How does it make you feel when someone does wrong towards you? How does it make you feel when someone lies to you? How does it make you feel when someone hurts someone close to you? Angry? Probably. How do you react? How do you want to react? Sometimes you just want to bop them in the head. Right? I know the feeling. But how are we supposed to react to these difficult people in our lives? Jesus said we are to love our enemies and do good to them.
Why, that's not justice. Or is it? When we love our enemies it not only helps us but them as well. Many a war has been averted because one of the parties chose love instead of violence. Loving and forgiving our enemies is healthier for us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. When we choose to love our enemies it rids us of all those negative harmful emotions of hate and envy. Have you ever been cut off in traffic? After that has happened, how many people did you tell about this situation? You talked about it all day, didn't you? Who is that hurting, you or the one who cut you off in traffic? You, right? The one who cut you off probably didn't give it a second thought.
Also, loving our enemies will either frustrate them because we are not giving them the reaction they want or it might actually began to help them change to an action of love as well. So, when someone does you wrong just - STOP, PAUSE, and choose to LOVE!